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Transandantal Dervişler Ocağı'na hoşgeldiniz!
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Ocağın Temel Kelamı

"Hayat, koordinatları belli olmayan bir alan üzerinde kopartılan patırtıdır; evren ise sara hastalığına tutulmuş geometri..." Cioran

19 Mart 2014 Çarşamba

Observe Them As Far As Your Intellect Understands Them

The groups of man exist in different classes
With different ranks order came into being
Without ranks whatever exists falls in ruins
The ignoramus cannot take the place of the scholar
Water cannot fulfill the task of fire
Earth cannot do the wind's job
Gold cannot do iron's work
Sugar cannot produce salty food
The foot cannot take care of the hand's issues
The pen cannot take the sword's place
The slave cannot do the lord's work
Kings do not know the state of the flock
Thus is the order of the parts of the world:
Observe them as far as your intellect understands them...

Divan Şairi Nebi (1642-1712)'nin 7 yaşındaki oğlu için şiiri
Nabi (a "Divan" Poet, 1642-1712)'s poet for his 7-year old son

Not: Türkçesi elimde bulunmuyor şiirin. İngilizcesi ile idareten artık..

Alıntı "An Ottoman Mentality: The World of Evliya Çelebi" adlı Robert Dankoff eserindendir. 

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